Keeping your computer’s desktop clutter free can be a challenge, so here’s some tips for keeping it organized whether at home, at work, or both.
Note: these instructions are for a PC running Windows 7 so your mileage may vary if your operating system differs.
1) Put all the files and/or shortcuts you like to keep on your desktop in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. By doing this, anything new you save to your desktop will be easily identifiable because it will appear in the far left-hand corner, like so:
2) Add the quick launch toolbar to your taskbar to reduce the number of shortcuts you keep on your desktop altogether. For step-by-step directions on how to do this, visit Microsoft’s quick tutorial. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Ok, now that you’re back, your quick launch toolbar, after adding programs or links, may look something like this:
3) Bonus tip: If you want to quickly view your desktop you don’t need to do anything other than click this little area in the far right corner of your taskbar. Ta-da!
If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment. Happy decluttering!