We’re Joe and Nicole, a married couple living in the Chicago suburbs. We both grew up in lower middle-class families without much money, but we never really felt like we missed out during our childhood because our parents taught us through their actions how to be frugal.
We worry profusely over having enough tucked away for retirement. We pay our bills each month, we’re practical with the decisions we make, we didn’t blame our mortgage company for the ARM we initially took out (nor did we walk away from that obligation), and we live below our means. We’re what we think of as financially responsible.
We’ll be the first to say we’re not experts in regards to anything you may read here, nor do we claim to be. This blog is our way of sharing experiences, opinions, thoughts, and suggestions which may be useful to others.
We’ll be primarily writing about finances, frugality, saving time & money, product reviews, marriage, and life lessons. We encourage you to share your opinions in the comments.
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